Professional Copywriting Service | Copyhub - About US

What is Copy?

Before we get down to describing us(and we love using our words), you need to understand what on earth is a copy. As a student, ‘copying’ is an art that saves your arse if you go unprepared in an exam; as a young adult, you realize ‘copy’ is a cheap duplicate of any high end product. But as mother of all ironies, a ‘copy’ is perhaps the most ingenious piece of work involving clever word play, well, after the excuse of an 8 year old who has forgotten his homework!

Who are we?

Who, is but the function of what, and what we are- a pack of equally(some more equal than others) passionate writers adept at using our skills and imagination to communicate your brand/ company/ organization to your target audience in the most crystal clear and effective manner possible.

Back in 2K11, our mentor/inspiration/the Alpha/guru/support system and oh, ‘boss’ too, started a project called Copy Hub and looked for writers with an appetite for out-of-the-box thinking and thirst for creating a difference. Her astute vision bore fruit and she assembled a team of talented writers who were raring to put an indelible mark in content/copy writing ecosystem. Since then, we’ve grown to include 25+ copy/content writers as well as strategists. Plus, we’ve written for brands of all sizes around the nation.

Here in 110-111, Akshar Stadia (our ‘laboratory’ of ideas), plagiarism is found only in the dictionary (online one).

We believe that the copy is the soul of any communication and thus we make it original and an attention grabber.

Why CH?

One Place. A zillion little surprises.

  • We are Gujarat’s First One Stop Copy Shop offering the most effective and comprehensive COPY, CONTENT and TRANSLATION
  • We not only earn from you but earn for you. For us your venture is not a project but a milestone in our journey.
  • Your clock might stop working, but not us. We strive each day to set quality and innovation benchmarks.
  • Because we know our digital knowledge of SEM, SEO, social media, goggle ad words, we can execute your message wherever it needs to be presented.
  • We are one of the most preferred companies in Gujarat for copy, content and translation. We take our work seriously!
  • We deliver creative content excellence to each and every brand that elevates the communication in this cut-throat competition.
  • We become more than partners- we become extensions of your team.

Who is the brain behind CH

She is a STALWART,
she is WITTY,
she is POLITE.
But most importantly she drives COPY HUB with extreme passion and utmost dignity.

Mrs. Jina Trivedi Patel aka JJ has a vast experience of almost two decades in the advertising industry. She has worked with many reputed advertising agencies, movie production houses, IT Companies, corporates and government departments. She is a perfectionist and a hard nut to crack. Copy Hub is a feeling rather than a company for her and she has been nurturing it like a baby. Her skill set includes writing, planning and structuring, editing, improving or altering the tone of voice and developing creative concepts. Her writing skills are matched only by her culinary skills. She is blessed with insomnia which leads to her jaw dropping efficiency and ability to do an amount of work in 24 hours that many struggle to accomplish in a week!!

She is a member of Screenwriters Association (SWA) Mumbai.

Copy Hub USPs

Communication is the solution of all problems and is the catalyst of brand development.

At Copy Hub, we pride ourselves on creating smart, polished content to meet our clients’ objectives and exceed their expectations. We provide thoughtful precise copy with a customized experience of both worlds: Big Agency charisma and Small Agency love. Whether we’re working on innovative digital media projects or a traditional corporate brochure, our focus is on getting the right message to your audience in the most compelling way. We are communicators and storytellers at heart. Our clients often choose us for our expertise and our attitude towards meticulous detailing. We bring a positive vibe, energy, passion and commitment to the office every day. We’re not afraid of hard work. And we’re really into learning new things each day.

We are passionate about what we do and it shows in our work.